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Step Status

The step status enum represents the various states that a step can be in during its lifecycle within a process.

Enum Values

StatusDescriptionComplete for Next TaskFailed
PENDINGThe step is awaiting scheduling.NoNo
SCHEDULEDThe step has been scheduled and is queued for execution.NoNo
RUNNINGThe step is currently being executed.NoNo
PAUSEDThe step execution has been temporarily paused.NoNo
COMPLETEDThe step has successfully completed its execution.YesNo
FAILEDThe step has encountered an error and failed to complete.No, Yes if step is optionalYes
TIMED_OUTThe step did not complete within the allotted time and timed out.NoYes
SKIPPEDThe step was skipped and not executed.YesNo
CANCELLEDThe step was cancelled before completion, usually when the process is canceled or terminatedNoYes