
Migrate, with ease

We offer an easy path for you to migrate your flows from Netflix Conductor to unmeshed.

Enjoy unmatched performance improvements, comprehensive features and integrations that makes it a joy to use.

Netflix Conductor Migration

Netflix Conductor: Workflow Orchestration Engine

Netflix Conductor is a workflow orchestration engine for creating complex, durable, or long-running executions across distributed components. Originally built at Netflix by the founders of Unmeshed, Conductor has served as a great orchestration tool for backend asynchronous processes and is widely adopted across various sectors for mission-critical workflows.

Why migrate to unmeshed?

Unmeshed is a drop in replacement platform that lets you run your Netflix Conductor workflows. It also comes with scheduler, authentication, authorization and other features such as human in the loop.
  • Enhanced Performance
    Unmeshed is built for speed and efficiency, enabling faster job execution and reduced latency. Experience improved performance with our optimized architecture.
  • Low Costs
    Pay a fraction of the cost that you pay today for Netflix Conductor in your infrastructure. Unmeshed is optimized to run on minimal hardware and just the infrastructure costs alone can be a big saving.
  • Enterprise Support
    Get the support directly from the team behind unmeshed (founders of Conductor) and never worry about scaling or performance issues.
  • Drag n Drop Workflow Builder
    Build workflows just like conductor, but with drag and drop support and a comprehensive UI that helps to build correct flows from the get go.
  • Advanced Search Capabilities
    Search through execution history, better version management with low cost resource usage.
  • No Redis, No Elasticsearch
    No dependencies on systems such as Redis or Elasticsearch which are known to cause massive performance issues in Netflix Conductor.
  • Security and Compliance
    Unmeshed prioritizes security and compliance, offering features like role-based access control (RBAC) and detailed audit logs to ensure your workflows are secure and compliant with industry standards.
  • Asynchronous and Synchronous Flows
    Start leveraging workflow style processing for your real time request response scenarios such as user interactions.
  • Feature Compatibility
    Unmeshed is capable of running all the flows you have used Conductor for and more. The migrations are simple and you should be able to move to production in no time.

The simplest and fastest orchestration

Join the practitioners who are revolutionizing application building. Built by the same team who brought you Netflix Conductor.


Millis Latency

> 10,000

Txns per second per shard

Infinitely scale shards


Low cost to operate

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