Viewing Cross Process Dependencies
Viewing Dependencies Inside a Process Definition
- Login to your Unmeshed account.
- Navigate to the left menu and click on Process Definitions.
- Open the relevant process definition to check dependencies.
Some jobs may have dependencies on other jobs. These dependencies are managed using a special step called DEPENDSON.
Here is an example of such a step inside a process definition:
- After executing Step 1, the system will verify if the dependent jobs have met their specified conditions before proceeding to the next step.
- The Depends On Statement defines conditions that must be met, such as another job being completed or failed.
Viewing Cross Job Dependencies - List View
- Login to your Unmeshed account.
- Navigate to the left menu and click on Process Definitions.
- The dependencies of a job are listed in the List View, showing:
- Dependents: Jobs that rely on the current job.
- Dependencies: Other jobs that this job depends on.
Note: Multiple jobs are listed as separate entries for clarity.
By using these views, you can easily track cross-job dependencies and ensure that your workflows execute in the correct sequence.