Passing Variables
Passing context and variables around steps is a core concept in the process execution pipeline. This is done by templating which dynamically replaces placeholders within inputs with values. This enables the seamless passing of variables between different steps of a process, ensuring that each step has access to the necessary data and context to execute correctly.
Unmeshed facilitates the dynamic injection of data into inputs by recognizing and replacing placeholders with actual values from various sources. This mechanism supports secure handling of sensitive information such as secrets, flexible configuration through variables, and data flow between different steps within a process.
Video Overview
Syntax for Passing Variables
Variables within inputs are denoted using double curly braces ({{ }}
). The syntax allows for optional quotes and
supports different data sources. Here's the syntax:
{{ variablePath }}
Parameter | Description |
variablePath | The path indicating the source of the variable, such as secrets, variables, step references, or process inputs. |
Variable Types
{{ secrets.secretName }}
Description: References a secret value stored securely. Secrets are typically sensitive information like API keys, passwords, or tokens.
Usage Example:
{{ secrets.databasePassword }}
Example in JSON:
"database": {
"password": "{{ secrets.databasePassword }}"
(Environment) Variables
{{ variables.variableName }}
Description: References a predefined variable within the Unmeshed Cluster. Variables can store configuration values or parameters that are reused anywhere across process definitions or steps. This is the equivalent of an environment variable
Usage Example:
{{ variables.retryCount }}
Example in JSON:
"maxRetries": "{{ variables.retryCount }}"
Step References
{{ steps.stepRef.output.key }}
Description: References the output from a previous step in the process. This allows subsequent steps to utilize data generated by earlier steps.
Here is the full list of values you can refer to in each step reference
Field | Description |
id | A unique identifier for the step context. |
parentId | The identifier of the parent step context, if applicable. |
parentExecutionId | The execution ID of the parent step, if applicable. |
stepDefinitionSnapshot | A snapshot of the step definition, containing metadata and configuration for the step. |
input | Key-value pairs representing the input data for this step. |
output | Key-value pairs representing the output or results produced by this step. |
status | The current status of the step Step Status. |
workerId | The identifier of the worker assigned or responsible for executing the step, if present. |
priority | A numeric value indicating the priority of this step, often used to determine execution order or importance. |
optional | A boolean flag indicating whether this step is optional |
start | A timestamp (in epoch milliseconds) indicating when the step started. |
schedule | A timestamp (in epoch milliseconds) indicating when the step is scheduled to start or run. |
updated | A timestamp (in epoch milliseconds) indicating the last time the step’s status or data was updated. |
type | The type of the step. |
ref | A reference to the step. |
name | The name of the step. |
namespace | The namespace under which this step definition belongs. |
Usage Example:
{{ steps.dataProcessing.output.result }}
Example in JSON:
"processedData": "{{ steps.dataProcessing.output.result }}"
Process Inputs
{{ context.input.inputKey }}
Description: References the inputs provided when initiating the process. These inputs can influence the behavior and execution of the process.
Here is the full list of values we support in the context
Key | Description |
processId | The unique identifier for the process, often the same as processContext.getId() . |
id | An alias to the process id |
requestId | A user supplied identifier for the incoming request triggering or associated with the process. |
correlationId | A user supplied identifier used to correlate related processes or requests. |
status | The current status of the process Process Status |
state | Process state that is updated throughout the process executions using __statePut. |
secretState | Process secret state that is updated throughout the process executions using __secretStatePut. |
created | The epoch millis date/time the process or context was initially created. |
updated | The epoch millis date/time the process or context was last updated. |
input | The input data or parameters provided for the process. |
output | The output data or result generated by the process. |
name | The name of the process definition. |
namespace | The namespace under which this process definition belongs. |
version | The version number of the process definition. |
type | The type or category of the process definition (e.g., “API_ORCHESTRATION”, “STANDARD”). |
authClaims | Claims from the token with which this process was ran. |
Usage Example:
{{ context.input.userId }}
Example in JSON:
"userId": "{{ context.input.userId }}"
Using State and Secret State
You can access shared data across steps using the context.state
and context.secretState
references. These represent non-sensitive and sensitive values that were added using __statePut
and __secretStatePut
{{ context.state.key }}
{{ context.secretState.secretKey }}
These values can also be deeply nested.
Example 1: Accessing a simple value from state
If a previous step included this:
"__statePut": {
"userRole": "admin"
You can access it like:
"role": "{{ context.state.userRole }}"
Example 2: Accessing a nested object from state
If state contains:
"user": {
"name": "Alice",
"age": 30
You can reference:
"username": "{{ }}",
"age": "{{ context.state.user.age }}"
Example 3: Accessing secret state
If a previous step did:
"__secretStatePut": {
"auth": {
"token": "secret_token_value"
You can reference it like:
"Authorization": "Bearer {{ context.secretState.auth.token }}"
Values in secretState
will not appear in logs or execution history but are still fully available during runtime.
Passing Variables Between Steps
To pass inputs into steps from other steps, use the appropriate syntax based on the source of the data. Here's how you can integrate different types of variables within your process steps:
Define the output in the Source Step: Ensure that the step generating the data exposes the necessary output. Reference the output in the Target Step: Use the steps syntax to access the output from the source step.
Example Workflow
Data Processing
Output from Source:
"result": "Processed Data"
Target Input definition
"result": "{{ steps.dataProcessing.output.result }}"
Usage Examples
Example 1: Using Secrets
Scenario: Injecting a database password securely into a configuration.
"database": {
"password": "{{ secrets.databasePassword }}"
Resolved Output:
"database": {
"password": "s3cr3tP@ssw0rd"
Example 2: Using Variables Scenario: Setting the maximum number of retries for a process.
Input Definition:
"maxRetries": "{{ variables.retryCount }}"
Resolved Output:
"maxRetries": 5
Example 3: Referencing Step Outputs Scenario: Using the result from a data processing step in a subsequent step.
"processedData": "{{ steps.dataProcessing.output.result }}"
Resolved Output:
"processedData": "Processed Data"
Example 4: Accessing Process Inputs Scenario: Utilizing user-provided input to customize a process step.
"userId": "{{ context.input.userId }}"
Resolved Output:
"userId": "user_12345"
Best Practices
- Secure Handling of Secrets: Always use the
prefix to handle sensitive information. Avoid exposing secrets in logs or error messages. - Consistent Naming Conventions: Use clear and consistent names for variables, secrets, and step references to enhance readability and maintainability.
- Error Handling: Implement appropriate error handling to manage scenarios where a referenced variable or secret might be missing or invalid.
- Documentation: Document the purpose and usage of each variable and secret to aid team members in understanding the process flow.
- Avoid Hardcoding Values: Utilize variables and secrets instead of hardcoding values to make the process more flexible and secure.
- Validate Inputs: Ensure that the inputs provided to the process are validated to prevent issues during template resolution.
- Monitor and Log: Keep track of variable resolutions and monitor for any discrepancies or failures in the template resolution process.