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Step Context

The StepContext class encapsulates the context and state of a single step within a process. It holds essential information that is used throughout the execution of the step, ensuring that each step operates with the necessary data and configuration.


idThe unique identifier for the step context. The id consists of a step id, step reference and the process id.
parentIdThe identifier of the parent step context, if any.
parentExecutionIdThe execution ID of the parent step, linking this step to its parent execution.
stepDefinitionSnapshotA snapshot of the step's definition at the time of execution, capturing its configuration and parameters.
inputA key value pair containing the inputs provided to the step during execution.
outputA key value pair containing the outputs produced by the step after execution.
statusThe current status of the step, indicating whether it is running, completed, failed, etc. Refer to Step Status for full list.
workerIdThe identifier of the worker responsible for executing the step.
priorityThe priority level assigned to the step, determining its execution order relative to other steps.
optionalIndicates whether the step is optional, allowing the process to continue even if this step fails.
startThe epoch timestamp indicating when the step started execution.
scheduleThe epoch timestamp indicating when the step is scheduled to execute.
updatedThe epoch timestamp indicating when the step was last updated.
executionsA list of StepExecution instances representing each execution attempt of the step.


The StepExecution class represents a single execution attempt of a step. It tracks the lifecycle of the execution, including scheduling, polling, starting, updating, and producing outputs.


idThe unique sequential identifier for the step execution.
scheduledThe epoch timestamp when the execution was scheduled.
polledThe epoch timestamp when the execution was polled by a worker for processing.
startThe epoch timestamp when the execution started.
updatedThe epoch timestamp when the execution was last updated.
executorThe identifier of the executor responsible for handling the execution.
refA reference string associated with the execution
runsAn integer tracking the number of times the execution has been attempted.
outputA map containing the output produced by this specific execution attempt. This value is only populated if a new step execution happens after this execution. Until then the output is held in the main output of the step context.