Holding a Step from Execution
Why Use Hold on Steps?
Holding steps in Unmeshed allows for manual intervention in process execution. You may want to hold a step in scenarios such as:
- Debugging a step before allowing it to proceed.
- Ensuring that dependent systems are ready before execution.
- Coordinating manual approvals before running a step.
When a step is held, it will not proceed in execution until it is manually cleared.
Process - Hold Step
To hold a step in Unmeshed:
- Login to your Unmeshed account.
- Navigate to the left menu and click on Hold/Skip Steps.
- Search for the specific step using the quick search box:
- You can search by process definition name or reference name of the step.
- If multiple steps with the same reference exist across multiple jobs, select based on the correct job name.
- Select the step and click on the Hold button as shown below.
Holding a Step:
Process - Clear Hold on Step
To clear a held step:
- Login to your Unmeshed account.
- Navigate to the left menu and click on Hold/Skip Steps.
- Search for the step you want to clear.
- Use the filter to show only held steps if needed.
- Select the step and click on Clear as shown below.
Clearing a Held Step:
Note: Once cleared, it might take up to a minute for the step to proceed in an execution.