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Process - Skip Step

To skip a step when a process is executed, you can configure it to be skipped ahead of time:

  1. Login to your Unmeshed account.
  2. Navigate to the left menu and click on Hold/Skip Steps.
  3. Search for the specific step using the quick search box:
    • You can search by process definition name or reference name of the step.
    • If multiple steps with the same reference exist across multiple jobs, select based on the correct job name.
  4. Select the step and click on the SKIP button as shown below.
  5. Set a reason for skipping the step, which can be used later for debugging.

Viewing Steps Available for Skipping:

Skip View

Setting a Reason for Skipping:

Skip Reason

Process - Clear Skip on Step

To clear a skipped step:

  1. Login to your Unmeshed account.
  2. Navigate to the left menu and click on Hold/Skip Steps.
  3. Search for the step you want to clear.
  4. Use the filter to show only skipped steps if needed.
  5. Select the step and click on Clear as shown below.

Clearing a Skipped Step:

Clear Skip Action